
◆英語タイトル:Liquid Nitrogen Market Forecasts to 2030 – Global Analysis By Function (Refrigerant and Coolant), Storage (Merchant Liquid, Tonnage, Cylinders & Packaged Gas and Other Storages), Technology, End User and By Geography

Stratistics MRCが発行した調査報告書(SMRC23DCB288)◆商品コード:SMRC23DCB288
◆発行会社(リサーチ会社):Stratistics MRC
◆レポート形式:英語 / PDF
Single User LicenseUSD4,150 ⇒換算¥614,200見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム
Corporate LicenseUSD7,500 ⇒換算¥1,110,000見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム

❖ レポートの概要 ❖

Stratistics MRCによると、液体窒素の世界市場は2023年に187億9000万ドルを占め、予測期間中の年平均成長率は7.8%で、2030年には317億8000万ドルに達する見込みです。液体窒素として知られる窒素元素の液化形態は、液体空気の分別蒸留によって商業的に作られます。その特性は不活性、無色、無臭、不燃性、無毒性。空気分離・液化工場で圧力スイング吸着と極低温蒸留によって製造され、通常、LNデュワー、極低温液体ボンベ、極低温タンクに保管されます。液体窒素は非常に低温で不活性であるため、冷媒、冷却剤、防腐剤として使用されます。特に、冷凍保存、冷凍手術、冶金、食品加工、電子機器製造に使用することができます。米国ゼネコン協会(AGC)によると、建設業界は年間約1兆4,000億米ドルに相当する建造物を建設し、多大な貢献をしています。














アジア太平洋地域は、中国、インド、日本などの国々で化学・製薬産業が活況を呈していることから、予測期間中に最大の市場シェアを占めると予測されています。最大の発展市場は中国の製薬セクターです。約5,000のメーカーが存在し、その多くが中小企業であるため、国内の医薬品セクターは拡大し、多様化しています。インドの化学産業は力強い拡大が見込まれています。今後5年以内に、インドでは多数の化学工場が開発されるでしょう。また、大陽日酸株式会社、Southern Industrial Gas Sdn Bhd、Linde PLCなどの重要な市場参加者がいます。加えて、高齢化と中間層の拡大も市場成長の要因となっています。



液体窒素市場の主要企業には、Statebourne Cryogenics Limited、Southern Industrial Gas Sdn Bhd、Air Liquide、MVS Engineering Pvt. Limited、Air Products Inc、 大陽日酸株式会社、Bombay Oxygen Investments Limited、Linde PLC、Buzwair Industrial Gases Factories、Gulf Cryo、Cryomech Inc.、Ellenbarrie Industrial Gases Limited、Praxair India Pvt. Ltd.、Yateem Oxygen、RoboGas、Air Water Inc.、Cryotec Anlagenbau GmbH、Matheson Tri-Gas Inc.、Parker Hannifin Corporation、SOL Groupなどがあります。




- 冷媒
- 冷却剤

- 商用液体
- トン数
- ボンベおよびパッケージガス
- その他の貯蔵

- 圧力スイング吸収法
- 低温蒸留

- ゴム・プラスチック
- 食品及び飲料
- エレクトロニクス
- 化学
- ヘルスケア
- 金属製造
- 製薬
- 建設
- 運輸
- その他のエンドユーザー

- 北米
- ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋
- 南米
- 中東・アフリカ

- 地域および国レベルセグメントの市場シェア評価
- 新規参入企業への戦略的提言
- 2021年、2022年、2023年、2026年、2030年の市場データをカバー
- 市場動向(促進要因、制約要因、機会、脅威、課題、投資機会、推奨事項)
- 市場予測に基づく主要ビジネスセグメントにおける戦略的提言
- 主要な共通トレンドをマッピングした競合のランドスケープ
- 詳細な戦略、財務、最近の動向を含む企業プロファイリング
- 最新の技術進歩をマッピングしたサプライチェーン動向

1 エグゼクティブサマリー
2 序論
3 市場動向分析
4 ポーターズファイブフォース分析
5 液体窒素の世界市場規模:機能別
6 液体窒素の世界市場規模:貯蔵別
7 液体窒素の世界市場規模:技術別
8 液体窒素の世界市場規模:エンドユーザー別
9 液体窒素の世界市場規模:地域別
10 主要動向
11 企業情報

❖ レポートの目次 ❖

1 Executive Summary
2 Preface
2.1 Abstract
2.2 Stake Holders
2.3 Research Scope
2.4 Research Methodology
2.4.1 Data Mining
2.4.2 Data Analysis
2.4.3 Data Validation
2.4.4 Research Approach
2.5 Research Sources
2.5.1 Primary Research Sources
2.5.2 Secondary Research Sources
2.5.3 Assumptions
3 Market Trend Analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Drivers
3.3 Restraints
3.4 Opportunities
3.5 Threats
3.6 Technology Analysis
3.7 End User Analysis
3.8 Emerging Markets
3.9 Impact of Covid-19
4 Porters Five Force Analysis
4.1 Bargaining power of suppliers
4.2 Bargaining power of buyers
4.3 Threat of substitutes
4.4 Threat of new entrants
4.5 Competitive rivalry
5 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market, By Function
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Refrigerant
5.3 Coolant
6 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market, By Storage
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Merchant Liquid
6.3 Tonnage
6.4 Cylinders & Packaged Gas
6.5 Other Storages
7 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market, By Technology
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Pressure Swing Absorption
7.3 Cryogenic Distillation
8 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market, By End User
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Rubber & Plastic
8.3 Food & Beverages
8.4 Electronics
8.5 Chemicals
8.6 Healthcare
8.7 Metal Manufacturing
8.8 Pharmaceuticals
8.9 Construction
8.10 Transportation
8.11 Other End Users
9 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market, By Geography
9.1 Introduction
9.2 North America
9.2.1 US
9.2.2 Canada
9.2.3 Mexico
9.3 Europe
9.3.1 Germany
9.3.2 UK
9.3.3 Italy
9.3.4 France
9.3.5 Spain
9.3.6 Rest of Europe
9.4 Asia Pacific
9.4.1 Japan
9.4.2 China
9.4.3 India
9.4.4 Australia
9.4.5 New Zealand
9.4.6 South Korea
9.4.7 Rest of Asia Pacific
9.5 South America
9.5.1 Argentina
9.5.2 Brazil
9.5.3 Chile
9.5.4 Rest of South America
9.6 Middle East & Africa
9.6.1 Saudi Arabia
9.6.2 UAE
9.6.3 Qatar
9.6.4 South Africa
9.6.5 Rest of Middle East & Africa
10 Key Developments
10.1 Agreements, Partnerships, Collaborations and Joint Ventures
10.2 Acquisitions & Mergers
10.3 New Product Launch
10.4 Expansions
10.5 Other Key Strategies
11 Company Profiling
11.1 Statebourne Cryogenics Limited
11.2 Southern Industrial Gas Sdn Bhd
11.3 Air Liquide
11.4 MVS Engineering Pvt. Limited
11.5 Air Products Inc.
11.6 Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation
11.7 Bombay Oxygen Investments Limited
11.8 Linde PLC
11.9 Buzwair Industrial Gases Factories
11.10 Gulf Cryo
11.11 Cryomech Inc.
11.12 Ellenbarrie Industrial Gases Limited
11.13 Praxair India Pvt. Ltd.
11.14 Yateem Oxygen
11.15 RoboGas
11.16 Air Water Inc.
11.17 Cryotec Anlagenbau GmbH
11.18 Matheson Tri-Gas Inc
11.19 Parker Hannifin Corporation
11.20 SOL Group
List of Tables
1 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Region (2021-2030) ($MN)
2 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Function (2021-2030) ($MN)
3 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Refrigerant (2021-2030) ($MN)
4 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Coolant (2021-2030) ($MN)
5 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Storage (2021-2030) ($MN)
6 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Merchant Liquid (2021-2030) ($MN)
7 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Tonnage (2021-2030) ($MN)
8 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Cylinders & Packaged Gas (2021-2030) ($MN)
9 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Other Storages (2021-2030) ($MN)
10 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Technology (2021-2030) ($MN)
11 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Pressure Swing Absorption (2021-2030) ($MN)
12 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Cryogenic Distillation (2021-2030) ($MN)
13 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By End User (2021-2030) ($MN)
14 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Rubber & Plastic (2021-2030) ($MN)
15 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Food & Beverages (2021-2030) ($MN)
16 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Electronics (2021-2030) ($MN)
17 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Chemicals (2021-2030) ($MN)
18 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Healthcare (2021-2030) ($MN)
19 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Metal Manufacturing (2021-2030) ($MN)
20 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Pharmaceuticals (2021-2030) ($MN)
21 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Construction (2021-2030) ($MN)
22 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Transportation (2021-2030) ($MN)
23 Global Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2021-2030) ($MN)
24 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Country (2021-2030) ($MN)
25 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Function (2021-2030) ($MN)
26 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Refrigerant (2021-2030) ($MN)
27 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Coolant (2021-2030) ($MN)
28 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Storage (2021-2030) ($MN)
29 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Merchant Liquid (2021-2030) ($MN)
30 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Tonnage (2021-2030) ($MN)
31 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Cylinders & Packaged Gas (2021-2030) ($MN)
32 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Other Storages (2021-2030) ($MN)
33 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Technology (2021-2030) ($MN)
34 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Pressure Swing Absorption (2021-2030) ($MN)
35 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Cryogenic Distillation (2021-2030) ($MN)
36 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By End User (2021-2030) ($MN)
37 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Rubber & Plastic (2021-2030) ($MN)
38 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Food & Beverages (2021-2030) ($MN)
39 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Electronics (2021-2030) ($MN)
40 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Chemicals (2021-2030) ($MN)
41 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Healthcare (2021-2030) ($MN)
42 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Metal Manufacturing (2021-2030) ($MN)
43 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Pharmaceuticals (2021-2030) ($MN)
44 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Construction (2021-2030) ($MN)
45 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Transportation (2021-2030) ($MN)
46 North America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2021-2030) ($MN)
47 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Country (2021-2030) ($MN)
48 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Function (2021-2030) ($MN)
49 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Refrigerant (2021-2030) ($MN)
50 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Coolant (2021-2030) ($MN)
51 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Storage (2021-2030) ($MN)
52 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Merchant Liquid (2021-2030) ($MN)
53 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Tonnage (2021-2030) ($MN)
54 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Cylinders & Packaged Gas (2021-2030) ($MN)
55 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Other Storages (2021-2030) ($MN)
56 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Technology (2021-2030) ($MN)
57 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Pressure Swing Absorption (2021-2030) ($MN)
58 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Cryogenic Distillation (2021-2030) ($MN)
59 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By End User (2021-2030) ($MN)
60 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Rubber & Plastic (2021-2030) ($MN)
61 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Food & Beverages (2021-2030) ($MN)
62 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Electronics (2021-2030) ($MN)
63 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Chemicals (2021-2030) ($MN)
64 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Healthcare (2021-2030) ($MN)
65 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Metal Manufacturing (2021-2030) ($MN)
66 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Pharmaceuticals (2021-2030) ($MN)
67 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Construction (2021-2030) ($MN)
68 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Transportation (2021-2030) ($MN)
69 Europe Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2021-2030) ($MN)
70 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Country (2021-2030) ($MN)
71 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Function (2021-2030) ($MN)
72 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Refrigerant (2021-2030) ($MN)
73 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Coolant (2021-2030) ($MN)
74 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Storage (2021-2030) ($MN)
75 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Merchant Liquid (2021-2030) ($MN)
76 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Tonnage (2021-2030) ($MN)
77 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Cylinders & Packaged Gas (2021-2030) ($MN)
78 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Other Storages (2021-2030) ($MN)
79 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Technology (2021-2030) ($MN)
80 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Pressure Swing Absorption (2021-2030) ($MN)
81 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Cryogenic Distillation (2021-2030) ($MN)
82 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By End User (2021-2030) ($MN)
83 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Rubber & Plastic (2021-2030) ($MN)
84 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Food & Beverages (2021-2030) ($MN)
85 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Electronics (2021-2030) ($MN)
86 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Chemicals (2021-2030) ($MN)
87 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Healthcare (2021-2030) ($MN)
88 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Metal Manufacturing (2021-2030) ($MN)
89 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Pharmaceuticals (2021-2030) ($MN)
90 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Construction (2021-2030) ($MN)
91 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Transportation (2021-2030) ($MN)
92 Asia Pacific Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2021-2030) ($MN)
93 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Country (2021-2030) ($MN)
94 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Function (2021-2030) ($MN)
95 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Refrigerant (2021-2030) ($MN)
96 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Coolant (2021-2030) ($MN)
97 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Storage (2021-2030) ($MN)
98 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Merchant Liquid (2021-2030) ($MN)
99 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Tonnage (2021-2030) ($MN)
100 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Cylinders & Packaged Gas (2021-2030) ($MN)
101 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Other Storages (2021-2030) ($MN)
102 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Technology (2021-2030) ($MN)
103 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Pressure Swing Absorption (2021-2030) ($MN)
104 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Cryogenic Distillation (2021-2030) ($MN)
105 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By End User (2021-2030) ($MN)
106 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Rubber & Plastic (2021-2030) ($MN)
107 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Food & Beverages (2021-2030) ($MN)
108 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Electronics (2021-2030) ($MN)
109 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Chemicals (2021-2030) ($MN)
110 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Healthcare (2021-2030) ($MN)
111 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Metal Manufacturing (2021-2030) ($MN)
112 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Pharmaceuticals (2021-2030) ($MN)
113 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Construction (2021-2030) ($MN)
114 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Transportation (2021-2030) ($MN)
115 South America Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2021-2030) ($MN)
116 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Country (2021-2030) ($MN)
117 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Function (2021-2030) ($MN)
118 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Refrigerant (2021-2030) ($MN)
119 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Coolant (2021-2030) ($MN)
120 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Storage (2021-2030) ($MN)
121 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Merchant Liquid (2021-2030) ($MN)
122 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Tonnage (2021-2030) ($MN)
123 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Cylinders & Packaged Gas (2021-2030) ($MN)
124 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Other Storages (2021-2030) ($MN)
125 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Technology (2021-2030) ($MN)
126 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Pressure Swing Absorption (2021-2030) ($MN)
127 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Cryogenic Distillation (2021-2030) ($MN)
128 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By End User (2021-2030) ($MN)
129 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Rubber & Plastic (2021-2030) ($MN)
130 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Food & Beverages (2021-2030) ($MN)
131 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Electronics (2021-2030) ($MN)
132 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Chemicals (2021-2030) ($MN)
133 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Healthcare (2021-2030) ($MN)
134 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Metal Manufacturing (2021-2030) ($MN)
135 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Pharmaceuticals (2021-2030) ($MN)
136 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Construction (2021-2030) ($MN)
137 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Transportation (2021-2030) ($MN)
138 Middle East & Africa Liquid Nitrogen Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2021-2030) ($MN)

❖ 免責事項 ❖

★リサーチレポート[ 液体窒素の世界市場予測(〜2030年)(Liquid Nitrogen Market Forecasts to 2030 – Global Analysis By Function (Refrigerant and Coolant), Storage (Merchant Liquid, Tonnage, Cylinders & Packaged Gas and Other Storages), Technology, End User and By Geography)]についてメールでお問い合わせはこちらでお願いします。
