
◆英語タイトル:Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Forecasts to 2028 – Global Analysis By Product Type (Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Hydraulic Couplings), By Application (Construction Equipment, Lubrication Lines, Industrial and Material Handling Equipment, Agricultural Equipment, Power and Telephone Mobile Equipment and Other Applications) and Geography

Stratistics MRCが発行した調査報告書(SMR23MR103)◆商品コード:SMR23MR103
◆発行会社(リサーチ会社):Stratistics MRC
◆レポート形式:英語 / Eメール
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❖ レポートの概要 ❖

Stratistics MRC社の本調査レポートでは、世界の油圧熱可塑性ホース&カップリング市場規模が2022年に82億ドルから2028年には120.4億ドルに上り、予測期間中にCAGR 6.6%で成長すると展望しています。本書では、油圧熱可塑性ホース&カップリングの世界市場について徹底的に調査・分析を行い、エグゼクティブサマリー、序論、市場動向分析、ファイブフォース分析、製品種類別(油圧熱可塑性ホース、油圧カップリング)分析、用途別(建設機器、潤滑ライン、工業&マテリアルハンドリング機器、農業機器、電力&電話モバイル機器、その他)分析、地域別(北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、南米、中東・アフリカ)分析、最近の動向、企業情報などを考察しています。また、Dyna Flex, Eaton, Gates, Kurt Manufacturing, MAC Tubi S.p.A, Manuli Rubber, NITTA Corporation, NRP Jones, Parker Hannifin, Piranha Hose Products Inc, Polyhose India Pvt. Ltd.などの企業情報を収録しています。
- 油圧熱可塑性ホースの市場規模
- 油圧カップリングの市場規模
- 建設機器における市場規模
- 潤滑ラインにおける市場規模
- 工業&マテリアルハンドリング機器における市場規模
- 農業機器における市場規模
- その他用途における市場規模
- 北米の油圧熱可塑性ホース&カップリング市場規模
- ヨーロッパの油圧熱可塑性ホース&カップリング市場規模
- アジア太平洋の油圧熱可塑性ホース&カップリング市場規模
- 南米の油圧熱可塑性ホース&カップリング市場規模
- 中東・アフリカの油圧熱可塑性ホース&カップリング市場規模

Stratistics MRC,によると、油圧熱可塑性ホース&カップリングの世界市場は、2022年に82億ドルを占め、予測期間中の年平均成長率は6.6%で、2028年には120億4,000万ドルに達する見込みです。油圧熱可塑性ホースと呼ばれる熱可塑性プラスチックパイプは、油圧機械内で力を伝達するために必要な流体を輸送するために作られます。油圧用途は高温・高圧を伴うため、ホースを製造する際には適切な原材料を選択することが極めて重要です。熱可塑性プラスチックは、高圧に耐え、耐摩耗性に優れ、軽量であるため、油圧ホースの材料として好まれています。一方、カップリングは、必要な動力を伝達するために、2本のホースの端部を結合するために使用されます。農業機械、建設機械、産業機械、マテリアルハンドリング機器、潤滑ライン、移動電力機器、電話機器などは、油圧熱可塑性ホース&カップリングを使用する機器のほんの一例です。



油圧熱可塑性ホース&カップリング市場における主要企業は、Dyna Flex, Eaton, Gates, Kurt Manufacturing, MAC Tubi S.p.A, Manuli Rubber, NITTA Corporation, NRP Jones, Parker Hannifin, Piranha Hose Products Inc, Polyhose India Pvt. Ltd., RYCO Hydraulics Pvt Ltd, Transfer Oil S.p.A and ZEC S.p.Aが含まれます。


2022年11月、用途に特化したフルードパワーとパワートランスミッションソリューションの世界的リーディングプロバイダーであり、ベルト駆動マイクロモビリティのパイオニアである Gatesは、新しいカーボンドライブMoto X5™シンクロナスドライブベルトを発表しています。革新的なMoto X5ベルトは、ゲイツカーボンドライブポートフォリオに加わった重要な製品で、ベルトドライブの核となる利点はそのままに、従来の製品よりもさらに静かなパフォーマンスを提供します。

2022年6月、Kurt WorkholdingはMazak HCN-6000横型マシンと28ステーションパレットプールを備えたPalletechシステムを含む新しいFMS(フレキシブル製造システム)を導入します。これにより、Kurt Tool Room Vise KTR35、PF 5軸バイス、RV Robotic Grippersなどの製品ラインの需要をサポートするオプションが増えました。

– 油圧熱可塑性ホース
– 油圧カップリング

– 建設機械
– 潤滑ライン
– 産業機器およびマテリアルハンドリング機器
– 農業機械
– 電力・電話移動機器
– その他の用途

– 北米
– ヨーロッパ
– アジア太平洋
– 南米
– 中東・アフリカ

❖ レポートの目次 ❖

1 Executive Summary
2 Preface
2.1 Abstract
2.2 Stake Holders
2.3 Research Scope
2.4 Research Methodology
2.4.1 Data Mining
2.4.2 Data Analysis
2.4.3 Data Validation
2.4.4 Research Approach
2.5 Research Sources
2.5.1 Primary Research Sources
2.5.2 Secondary Research Sources
2.5.3 Assumptions
3 Market Trend Analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Drivers
3.3 Restraints
3.4 Opportunities
3.5 Threats
3.6 Product Analysis
3.7 Application Analysis
3.8 Emerging Markets
3.9 Impact of Covid-19
4 Porters Five Force Analysis
4.1 Bargaining power of suppliers
4.2 Bargaining power of buyers
4.3 Threat of substitutes
4.4 Threat of new entrants
4.5 Competitive rivalry
5 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market, By Product Type
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose
5.3 Hydraulic Couplings
6 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market, By Application
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Construction Equipment
6.3 Lubrication Lines
6.4 Industrial and Material Handling Equipment
6.5 Agricultural Equipment
6.6 Power and Telephone Mobile Equipment
6.7 Other Applications
7 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market, By Geography
7.1 Introduction
7.2 North America
7.2.1 US
7.2.2 Canada
7.2.3 Mexico
7.3 Europe
7.3.1 Germany
7.3.2 UK
7.3.3 Italy
7.3.4 France
7.3.5 Spain
7.3.6 Rest of Europe
7.4 Asia Pacific
7.4.1 Japan
7.4.2 China
7.4.3 India
7.4.4 Australia
7.4.5 New Zealand
7.4.6 South Korea
7.4.7 Rest of Asia Pacific
7.5 South America
7.5.1 Argentina
7.5.2 Brazil
7.5.3 Chile
7.5.4 Rest of South America
7.6 Middle East & Africa
7.6.1 Saudi Arabia
7.6.2 UAE
7.6.3 Qatar
7.6.4 South Africa
7.6.5 Rest of Middle East & Africa
8 Key Developments
8.1 Agreements, Partnerships, Collaborations and Joint Ventures
8.2 Acquisitions & Mergers
8.3 New Product Launch
8.4 Expansions
8.5 Other Key Strategies
9 Company Profiling
9.1 Dyna Flex
9.2 Eaton
9.3 Gates
9.4 Kurt Manufacturing
9.5 MAC Tubi S.p.A
9.6 Manuli Rubber
9.7 NITTA Corporation
9.8 NRP Jones
9.9 Parker Hannifin
9.10 Piranha Hose Products Inc
9.11 Polyhose India Pvt. Ltd.
9.12 RYCO Hydraulics Pvt Ltd
9.13 Transfer Oil S.p.A
9.14 ZEC S.p.A.
List of Tables
Table 1 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Region (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 2 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Product Type (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 3 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 4 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Hydraulic Couplings (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 5 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Application (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 6 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Construction Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 7 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Lubrication Lines (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 8 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Industrial and Material Handling Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 9 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Agricultural Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 10 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Power and Telephone Mobile Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 11 Global Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Other Applications (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 12 North America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Country (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 13 North America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Product Type (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 14 North America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 15 North America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Hydraulic Couplings (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 16 North America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Application (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 17 North America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Construction Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 18 North America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Lubrication Lines (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 19 North America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Industrial and Material Handling Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 20 North America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Agricultural Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 21 North America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Power and Telephone Mobile Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 22 North America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Other Applications (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 23 Europe Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Country (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 24 Europe Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Product Type (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 25 Europe Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 26 Europe Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Hydraulic Couplings (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 27 Europe Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Application (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 28 Europe Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Construction Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 29 Europe Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Lubrication Lines (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 30 Europe Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Industrial and Material Handling Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 31 Europe Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Agricultural Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 32 Europe Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Power and Telephone Mobile Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 33 Europe Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Other Applications (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 34 Asia Pacific Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Country (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 35 Asia Pacific Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Product Type (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 36 Asia Pacific Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 37 Asia Pacific Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Hydraulic Couplings (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 38 Asia Pacific Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Application (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 39 Asia Pacific Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Construction Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 40 Asia Pacific Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Lubrication Lines (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 41 Asia Pacific Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Industrial and Material Handling Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 42 Asia Pacific Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Agricultural Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 43 Asia Pacific Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Power and Telephone Mobile Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 44 Asia Pacific Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Other Applications (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 45 South America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Country (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 46 South America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Product Type (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 47 South America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 48 South America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Hydraulic Couplings (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 49 South America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Application (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 50 South America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Construction Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 51 South America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Lubrication Lines (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 52 South America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Industrial and Material Handling Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 53 South America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Agricultural Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 54 South America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Power and Telephone Mobile Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 55 South America Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Other Applications (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 56 Middle East & Africa Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Country (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 57 Middle East & Africa Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Product Type (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 58 Middle East & Africa Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 59 Middle East & Africa Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Hydraulic Couplings (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 60 Middle East & Africa Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Application (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 61 Middle East & Africa Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Construction Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 62 Middle East & Africa Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Lubrication Lines (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 63 Middle East & Africa Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Industrial and Material Handling Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 64 Middle East & Africa Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Agricultural Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 65 Middle East & Africa Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Power and Telephone Mobile Equipment (2020-2028) ($MN)
Table 66 Middle East & Africa Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Outlook, By Other Applications (2020-2028) ($MN)

❖ 免責事項 ❖

★リサーチレポート[ 油圧熱可塑性ホース&カップリングのグローバル市場(~2027):油圧熱可塑性ホース、油圧カップリング(Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Couplings Market Forecasts to 2028 – Global Analysis By Product Type (Hydraulic Thermoplastic Hose and Hydraulic Couplings), By Application (Construction Equipment, Lubrication Lines, Industrial and Material Handling Equipment, Agricultural Equipment, Power and Telephone Mobile Equipment and Other Applications) and Geography)]についてメールでお問い合わせはこちらでお願いします。
