
◆英語タイトル:Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Market Growth 2022-2028

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❖ レポートの概要 ❖


世界の主要なイブプロフェンアルギニンAPIプレーヤーは、BASF、 Pharmatrans Sanaq AG、 Iol Chemicals And Pharma、 Mitani Sangyo、 DQA Pharma International、 Triveni Interchem Private Limited、 Jiangxi Brother Pharmaceutical、 Hubei Biocause Heilen Pharmaceutical、 Guangzhou Person Pharmaceutical、 Newstar Chem Enterprise、 Zhejiang Conscientia Pharmaceutical、 Skyrun Industrial、 Hangzhou Dayangchem、 BBCA Pharmaceutical、 Solara、 Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceuticalなどをカバーしています。売上の面では、世界最大の2社が2021年にほぼxx%の市場シェアを占めています。

*** レポート範囲 ***

本調査レポートはすべての重要な側面をカバーしながら世界のイブプロフェンアルギニンAPI市場に関する深い洞察を提供します。これは、市場のマクロな概要から、市場規模、競争環境、開発動向、ニッチ市場、主要な市場ドライバーと課題、バリュー チェーン分析などのミクロの詳細にまで及びます。当レポートは読者がパンデミックおよびロシア・ウクライナ戦争中に世界中でイブプロフェンアルギニンAPI市場シナリオがどのように変化したかを理解できるように定量的データと定性的データの両方を使用して、世界のイブプロフェンアルギニンAPI市場の包括的なイメージを提供することを目的としています。


*** 市場細分化 ***

本調査ではイブプロフェンアルギニンAPI市場をセグメンテーションし、タイプ別 (純度≧99%、純度<99%)、用途別 (OEM、製薬工場)、および地域別 (アジア、南北アメリカ、欧州、および中東・アフリカ) の市場規模を予測しています。




*** 各章の紹介 ***
第2章:エグゼクティブサマリー、世界のイブプロフェンアルギニンAPI市場規模 (販売量、売上) およびCAGR、地域別・タイプ別・用途別、2017年~2022年までの推移データ、および2028年までの市場予測

********* 目次 *********













BASF、 Pharmatrans Sanaq AG、 Iol Chemicals And Pharma、 Mitani Sangyo、 DQA Pharma International、 Triveni Interchem Private Limited、 Jiangxi Brother Pharmaceutical、 Hubei Biocause Heilen Pharmaceutical、 Guangzhou Person Pharmaceutical、 Newstar Chem Enterprise、 Zhejiang Conscientia Pharmaceutical、 Skyrun Industrial、 Hangzhou Dayangchem、 BBCA Pharmaceutical、 Solara、 Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical


❖ レポートの目次 ❖

1 Scope of the Report
1.1 Market Introduction
1.2 Years Considered
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Market Research Methodology
1.5 Research Process and Data Source
1.6 Economic Indicators
1.7 Currency Considered
2 Executive Summary
2.1 World Market Overview
2.1.1 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Annual Sales 2017-2028
2.1.2 World Current & Future Analysis for Ibuprofen Arginine API by Geographic Region, 2017, 2022 & 2028
2.1.3 World Current & Future Analysis for Ibuprofen Arginine API by Country/Region, 2017, 2022 & 2028
2.2 Ibuprofen Arginine API Segment by Type
2.2.1 Purity≥99%
2.2.2 Purity<99%
2.3 Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Type
2.3.1 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2022)
2.3.2 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Revenue and Market Share by Type (2017-2022)
2.3.3 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Sale Price by Type (2017-2022)
2.4 Ibuprofen Arginine API Segment by Application
2.4.1 OEM
2.4.2 Pharmaceutical Factory
2.5 Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Application
2.5.1 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Sale Market Share by Application (2017-2022)
2.5.2 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Revenue and Market Share by Application (2017-2022)
2.5.3 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Sale Price by Application (2017-2022)
3 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API by Company
3.1 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Breakdown Data by Company
3.1.1 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Annual Sales by Company (2020-2022)
3.1.2 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales Market Share by Company (2020-2022)
3.2 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Annual Revenue by Company (2020-2022)
3.2.1 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Revenue by Company (2020-2022)
3.2.2 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Revenue Market Share by Company (2020-2022)
3.3 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Sale Price by Company
3.4 Key Manufacturers Ibuprofen Arginine API Producing Area Distribution, Sales Area, Product Type
3.4.1 Key Manufacturers Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Location Distribution
3.4.2 Players Ibuprofen Arginine API Products Offered
3.5 Market Concentration Rate Analysis
3.5.1 Competition Landscape Analysis
3.5.2 Concentration Ratio (CR3, CR5 and CR10) & (2020-2022)
3.6 New Products and Potential Entrants
3.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion
4 World Historic Review for Ibuprofen Arginine API by Geographic Region
4.1 World Historic Ibuprofen Arginine API Market Size by Geographic Region (2017-2022)
4.1.1 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Annual Sales by Geographic Region (2017-2022)
4.1.2 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Annual Revenue by Geographic Region
4.2 World Historic Ibuprofen Arginine API Market Size by Country/Region (2017-2022)
4.2.1 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Annual Sales by Country/Region (2017-2022)
4.2.2 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Annual Revenue by Country/Region
4.3 Americas Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales Growth
4.4 APAC Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales Growth
4.5 Europe Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales Growth
4.6 Middle East & Africa Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales Growth
5 Americas
5.1 Americas Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Country
5.1.1 Americas Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Country (2017-2022)
5.1.2 Americas Ibuprofen Arginine API Revenue by Country (2017-2022)
5.2 Americas Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Type
5.3 Americas Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Application
5.4 United States
5.5 Canada
5.6 Mexico
5.7 Brazil
6.1 APAC Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Region
6.1.1 APAC Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Region (2017-2022)
6.1.2 APAC Ibuprofen Arginine API Revenue by Region (2017-2022)
6.2 APAC Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Type
6.3 APAC Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Application
6.4 China
6.5 Japan
6.6 South Korea
6.7 Southeast Asia
6.8 India
6.9 Australia
6.10 China Taiwan
7 Europe
7.1 Europe Ibuprofen Arginine API by Country
7.1.1 Europe Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Country (2017-2022)
7.1.2 Europe Ibuprofen Arginine API Revenue by Country (2017-2022)
7.2 Europe Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Type
7.3 Europe Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Application
7.4 Germany
7.5 France
7.6 UK
7.7 Italy
7.8 Russia
8 Middle East & Africa
8.1 Middle East & Africa Ibuprofen Arginine API by Country
8.1.1 Middle East & Africa Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Country (2017-2022)
8.1.2 Middle East & Africa Ibuprofen Arginine API Revenue by Country (2017-2022)
8.2 Middle East & Africa Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Type
8.3 Middle East & Africa Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales by Application
8.4 Egypt
8.5 South Africa
8.6 Israel
8.7 Turkey
8.8 GCC Countries
9 Market Drivers, Challenges and Trends
9.1 Market Drivers & Growth Opportunities
9.2 Market Challenges & Risks
9.3 Industry Trends
10 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis
10.1 Raw Material and Suppliers
10.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Ibuprofen Arginine API
10.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Ibuprofen Arginine API
10.4 Industry Chain Structure of Ibuprofen Arginine API
11 Marketing, Distributors and Customer
11.1 Sales Channel
11.1.1 Direct Channels
11.1.2 Indirect Channels
11.2 Ibuprofen Arginine API Distributors
11.3 Ibuprofen Arginine API Customer
12 World Forecast Review for Ibuprofen Arginine API by Geographic Region
12.1 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Market Size Forecast by Region
12.1.1 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Forecast by Region (2023-2028)
12.1.2 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Annual Revenue Forecast by Region (2023-2028)
12.2 Americas Forecast by Country
12.3 APAC Forecast by Region
12.4 Europe Forecast by Country
12.5 Middle East & Africa Forecast by Country
12.6 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Forecast by Type
12.7 Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Forecast by Application
13 Key Players Analysis
13.1 BASF
13.1.1 BASF Company Information
13.1.2 BASF Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.1.3 BASF Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.1.4 BASF Main Business Overview
13.1.5 BASF Latest Developments
13.2 Pharmatrans Sanaq AG
13.2.1 Pharmatrans Sanaq AG Company Information
13.2.2 Pharmatrans Sanaq AG Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.2.3 Pharmatrans Sanaq AG Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.2.4 Pharmatrans Sanaq AG Main Business Overview
13.2.5 Pharmatrans Sanaq AG Latest Developments
13.3 Iol Chemicals And Pharma
13.3.1 Iol Chemicals And Pharma Company Information
13.3.2 Iol Chemicals And Pharma Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.3.3 Iol Chemicals And Pharma Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.3.4 Iol Chemicals And Pharma Main Business Overview
13.3.5 Iol Chemicals And Pharma Latest Developments
13.4 Mitani Sangyo
13.4.1 Mitani Sangyo Company Information
13.4.2 Mitani Sangyo Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.4.3 Mitani Sangyo Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.4.4 Mitani Sangyo Main Business Overview
13.4.5 Mitani Sangyo Latest Developments
13.5 DQA Pharma International
13.5.1 DQA Pharma International Company Information
13.5.2 DQA Pharma International Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.5.3 DQA Pharma International Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.5.4 DQA Pharma International Main Business Overview
13.5.5 DQA Pharma International Latest Developments
13.6 Triveni Interchem Private Limited
13.6.1 Triveni Interchem Private Limited Company Information
13.6.2 Triveni Interchem Private Limited Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.6.3 Triveni Interchem Private Limited Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.6.4 Triveni Interchem Private Limited Main Business Overview
13.6.5 Triveni Interchem Private Limited Latest Developments
13.7 Jiangxi Brother Pharmaceutical
13.7.1 Jiangxi Brother Pharmaceutical Company Information
13.7.2 Jiangxi Brother Pharmaceutical Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.7.3 Jiangxi Brother Pharmaceutical Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.7.4 Jiangxi Brother Pharmaceutical Main Business Overview
13.7.5 Jiangxi Brother Pharmaceutical Latest Developments
13.8 Hubei Biocause Heilen Pharmaceutical
13.8.1 Hubei Biocause Heilen Pharmaceutical Company Information
13.8.2 Hubei Biocause Heilen Pharmaceutical Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.8.3 Hubei Biocause Heilen Pharmaceutical Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.8.4 Hubei Biocause Heilen Pharmaceutical Main Business Overview
13.8.5 Hubei Biocause Heilen Pharmaceutical Latest Developments
13.9 Guangzhou Person Pharmaceutical
13.9.1 Guangzhou Person Pharmaceutical Company Information
13.9.2 Guangzhou Person Pharmaceutical Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.9.3 Guangzhou Person Pharmaceutical Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.9.4 Guangzhou Person Pharmaceutical Main Business Overview
13.9.5 Guangzhou Person Pharmaceutical Latest Developments
13.10 Newstar Chem Enterprise
13.10.1 Newstar Chem Enterprise Company Information
13.10.2 Newstar Chem Enterprise Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.10.3 Newstar Chem Enterprise Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.10.4 Newstar Chem Enterprise Main Business Overview
13.10.5 Newstar Chem Enterprise Latest Developments
13.11 Zhejiang Conscientia Pharmaceutical
13.11.1 Zhejiang Conscientia Pharmaceutical Company Information
13.11.2 Zhejiang Conscientia Pharmaceutical Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.11.3 Zhejiang Conscientia Pharmaceutical Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.11.4 Zhejiang Conscientia Pharmaceutical Main Business Overview
13.11.5 Zhejiang Conscientia Pharmaceutical Latest Developments
13.12 Skyrun Industrial
13.12.1 Skyrun Industrial Company Information
13.12.2 Skyrun Industrial Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.12.3 Skyrun Industrial Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.12.4 Skyrun Industrial Main Business Overview
13.12.5 Skyrun Industrial Latest Developments
13.13 Hangzhou Dayangchem
13.13.1 Hangzhou Dayangchem Company Information
13.13.2 Hangzhou Dayangchem Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.13.3 Hangzhou Dayangchem Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.13.4 Hangzhou Dayangchem Main Business Overview
13.13.5 Hangzhou Dayangchem Latest Developments
13.14 BBCA Pharmaceutical
13.14.1 BBCA Pharmaceutical Company Information
13.14.2 BBCA Pharmaceutical Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.14.3 BBCA Pharmaceutical Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.14.4 BBCA Pharmaceutical Main Business Overview
13.14.5 BBCA Pharmaceutical Latest Developments
13.15 Solara
13.15.1 Solara Company Information
13.15.2 Solara Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.15.3 Solara Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.15.4 Solara Main Business Overview
13.15.5 Solara Latest Developments
13.16 Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical
13.16.1 Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Information
13.16.2 Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Ibuprofen Arginine API Product Offered
13.16.3 Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Ibuprofen Arginine API Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022)
13.16.4 Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Main Business Overview
13.16.5 Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Latest Developments
14 Research Findings and Conclusion

❖ 免責事項 ❖

★リサーチレポート[ イブプロフェンアルギニンAPIのグローバル市場予測2022-2028(Global Ibuprofen Arginine API Market Growth 2022-2028)]についてメールでお問い合わせはこちらでお願いします。
