
◆英語タイトル:Automotive Busbar Market Size and Share Analysis by Power Rating (Low, High), Conductor (Copper, Aluminum) - Global Industry Revenue Estimation and Demand Forecast to 2030

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❖ レポートの概要 ❖

P&S Intelligenceによると、世界の自動車用バスバー市場は成長を遂げており、2030年には1億7,710万米ドルになると予測されています。この成長の背景には、電気自動車の普及があります。さらに、ケーブルと比較してバスバーの低価格と運用上の利点は、今後数年間におけるバスバーへの需要を促進します。








第1章. 調査背景
1.1 調査目的
1.2 市場の定義
1.3 分析期間
1.4 市場データの報告単位
1.4.1 数量
1.4.2 金額
1.5 市場規模のセグメント別内訳
1.5.1 定格電力による市場細分化
1.5.2 導体別市場セグメント
1.5.3 地域別市場細分化
1.6 主要ステークホルダー
第2章 調査方法
2.1 二次調査
2.1.1 有料
2.1.2 無報酬
2.1.3 P&Sインテリジェンスデータベース
2.2 一次調査
2.2.1 一次調査の地域別内訳
2.2.2 一次調査の内訳(業界参加者別
2.2.3 一次調査の用途別内訳
2.2.5 一次調査の内訳:企業タイプ別
2.3 市場規模の推定
2.4 データ三角測量
2.5 通貨換算レート
2.6 注意事項
第3章 エグゼクティブサマリー
第4章. 業界専門家/KOLの声
第5章 市場指標 市場指標
5.1 世界の自動車産業
5.2 EVストックの増加
第6章. 市場セグメントの定義
6.1 定格出力別
6.1.1 低
6.1.2 高
6.2 導体別
6.2.1 銅
6.2.2 アルミニウム
第7章. 産業展望
7.1 市場動向
7.1.1 トレンド EV発売の増加 高機能EVインバーターの生産増加 製品イノベーションの増加
7.1.2 ドライバー EV利用の増加 ケーブルを上回るバスバーの低コストと運用上の利点
7.1.3 市場予測に対する促進要因の影響分析
7.1.4 阻害要因 不安定な原材料価格
7.2 COVID-19の影響
7.3 バリューチェーン分析
7.3.1 原材料サプライヤー一覧
7.3.2 販売業者/チャネルパートナーのリスト
7.3.3 エンドユーザー一覧
7.4 ポーターのファイブフォース分析
7.4.1 買い手の交渉力
7.4.2 供給者の交渉力
7.4.3 ライバルの激しさ
7.4.4 新規参入の脅威
7.4.5 代替品の脅威
第8章 世界市場規模と予測
8.1 電力定格別市場規模
8.2 電力定格別市場収益
8.3 市場数量:導体別
8.4 市場収益:導体別
8.5 市場数量:地域別
8.6 地域別市場収益
第9章 北米市場 北米の市場規模・予測
9.1 電力定格別市場数量
9.2 電力定格別市場収益
9.3 市場数量:導体別
9.4 市場収益:導体別
9.5 国別市場数量
9.6 市場収益:国別
第10章 ヨーロッパ市場 ヨーロッパの市場規模・予測
10.1 電力定格別市場数量
10.2 電力定格別市場収益
10.3 市場数量:導体別
10.4 市場収益:導体別
10.5 国別市場数量
10.6 市場収益:国別
第11章 アジア太平洋市場の規模・予測
11.1 電力定格別市場数量
11.2 電力定格別市場収益
11.3 市場数量:導体別
11.4 市場収益:導体別
11.5 市場数量:国別
11.6 市場収益:国別
第12章. RoW地域の市場規模・予測
12.1 電力定格別市場数量
12.2 電力定格別市場収益
12.3 市場数量:導体別
12.4 市場収益:導体別
12.5 市場数量:国別
12.6 市場収益:国別
第13章 アメリカ市場 米国の市場規模・予測
13.1 市場数量:定格電力別
13.2 電力定格別市場収益
13.3 市場数量:導体別
13.4 市場収益:導体別
第14章. カナダの市場規模・予測
14.1 電力定格別市場数量
14.2 電力定格別市場収益
14.3 市場数量:導体別
14.4 市場収益:導体別
第15章. ドイツの市場規模・予測
15.1 電力定格別市場数量
15.2 電力定格別市場収益
15.3 市場数量:導体別
15.4 市場収益:導体別
第16章. フランスの市場規模推移と予測
16.1 市場数量:定格電力別
16.2 電力定格別市場収益
16.3 市場数量:導体別
16.4 市場収益:導体別
第17章. 英国の市場規模・予測
17.1 市場数量:定格電力別
17.2 電力定格別市場収益
17.3 市場数量:導体別
17.4 市場収益:導体別
第18章. スウェーデンの市場規模推移と予測
18.1 市場数量:定格電力別
18.2 電力定格別市場収益
18.3 市場数量:導体別
18.4 市場収益:導体別
第19章 オランダ オランダの市場規模推移と予測
19.1 市場数量:定格電力別
19.2 電力定格別市場収益
19.3 市場数量:導体別
19.4 市場収益:導体別
第20章. 中国の市場規模と予測
20.1 市場数量:定格電力別
20.2 電力定格別市場収益
20.3 市場数量:導体別
20.4 市場収益:導体別
第21章. 日本の市場規模と予測
21.1 電力定格別市場数量
21.2 電力定格別市場収益
21.3 市場数量:導体別
21.4 市場収益:導体別
第22章. 韓国の市場規模推移と予測
22.1 市場数量:定格電力別
22.2 電力定格別市場収益
22.3 市場数量:導体別
22.4 市場収益:導体別
第23章. メキシコの市場規模推移と予測
23.1 市場数量:定格電力別
23.2 電力定格別市場収益
23.3 市場数量:導体別
23.4 市場収益:導体別
第24章 競争状況
24.1 主要プレーヤーの市場シェア分析
24.2 市場プレイヤーのリストと提供製品
24.3 主要プレーヤーの競争分析
24.4 主要プレーヤーの戦略的展開
第25章. 企業情報
第26章. 付録
26.1 略語
26.2 出典と参考文献
26.3 関連レポート

❖ レポートの目次 ❖

Chapter 1. Research Background

1.1 Research Objectives

1.2 Market Definition

1.3 Analysis Period

1.4 Market Data Reporting Unit

1.4.1 Volume

1.4.2 Value

1.5 Market Size Breakdown by Segment

1.5.1 Market Segmentation by Power Rating

1.5.2 Market Segmentation by Conductor

1.5.3 Market Segmentation by Geography

1.6 Key Stakeholders

Chapter 2. Research Methodology

2.1 Secondary Research

2.1.1 Paid

2.1.2 Unpaid

2.1.3 P&S Intelligence Database

2.2 Primary Research

2.2.1 Breakdown of Primary Research, by Region

2.2.2 Breakdown of Primary Research, by Industry Participant

2.2.3 Breakdown of Primary Research, by Designation

2.2.5 Breakdown of Primary Research, by Company Type

2.3 Market Size Estimation

2.4 Data Triangulation

2.5 Currency Conversion Rates

2.6 Notes and Caveats

Chapter 3. Executive Summary

Chapter 4. Voice of Industry Experts/KOLs

Chapter 5. Market Indicators

5.1 Global Automotive Industry

5.2 Increasing Stock of EVs

Chapter 6. Definition of Market Segments

6.1 By Power Rating

6.1.1 Low

6.1.2 High

6.2 By Conductor

6.2.1 Copper

6.2.2 Aluminum

Chapter 7. Industry Outlook

7.1 Market Dynamics

7.1.1 Trends Increasing launches of EVs Increasing production of advanced EV inverters Increasing product innovation

7.1.2 Drivers Increasing use of EVs Low cost and operational benefits of busbars over cables

7.1.3 Impact Analysis of Drivers on Market Forecast

7.1.4 Restraints Volatile raw material prices

7.2 Impact of COVID-19

7.3 Value Chain Analysis

7.3.1 List of Raw Material Suppliers

7.3.2 List of Distributors/Channel Partners

7.3.3 List of End Users

7.4 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

7.4.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers

7.4.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers

7.4.3 Intensity of Rivalry

7.4.4 Threat of New Entrants

7.4.5 Threat of Substitutes

Chapter 8. Global Market Size and Forecast

8.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

8.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

8.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

8.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

8.5 Market Volume, by Region

8.6 Market Revenue, by Region

Chapter 9. North America Market Size and Forecast

9.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

9.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

9.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

9.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

9.5 Market Volume, by Country

9.6 Market Revenue, by Country

Chapter 10. Europe Market Size and Forecast

10.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

10.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

10.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

10.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

10.5 Market Volume, by Country

10.6 Market Revenue, by Country

Chapter 11. APAC Market Size and Forecast

11.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

11.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

11.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

11.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

11.5 Market Volume, by Country

11.6 Market Revenue, by Country

Chapter 12. RoW Market Size and Forecast

12.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

12.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

12.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

12.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

12.5 Market Volume, by Country

12.6 Market Revenue, by Country

Chapter 13. U.S. Market Size and Forecast

13.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

13.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

13.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

13.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

Chapter 14. Canada Market Size and Forecast

14.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

14.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

14.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

14.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

Chapter 15. Germany Market Size and Forecast

15.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

15.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

15.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

15.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

Chapter 16. France Market Size and Forecast

16.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

16.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

16.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

16.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

Chapter 17. U.K. Market Size and Forecast

17.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

17.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

17.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

17.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

Chapter 18. Sweden Market Size and Forecast

18.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

18.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

18.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

18.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

Chapter 19. Netherlands Market Size and Forecast

19.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

19.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

19.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

19.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

Chapter 20. China Market Size and Forecast

20.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

20.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

20.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

20.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

Chapter 21. Japan Market Size and Forecast

21.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

21.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

21.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

21.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

Chapter 22. South Korea market Size and Forecast

22.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

22.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

22.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

22.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

Chapter 23. Mexico Market Size and Forecast

23.1 Market Volume, by Power Rating

23.2 Market Revenue, by Power Rating

23.3 Market Volume, by Conductor

23.4 Market Revenue, by Conductor

Chapter 24. Competitive Landscape

24.1 Market Share Analysis of Key Players

24.2 List of Market Players and Their Offerings

24.3 Competitive Analysis of Key Players

24.4 Strategic Developments of Key Players

Chapter 25. Company Profiles

25.1 Siemens AG

25.1.1 Business Overview

25.1.2 Product and Service Offerings

25.1.3 Key Financial Summary

25.2 Mersen Corporate Services SAS

25.2.1 Business Overview

25.2.2 Product and Service Offerings

25.2.3 Key Financial Summary

25.3 Proterial Ltd.

25.3.1 Business Overview

25.3.2 Product and Service Offerings

25.3.3 Key Financial Summary

25.4 TB&C Holding GmbH

25.4.1 Business Overview

25.4.2 Product and Service Offerings

25.5 EG Electronics AB

25.5.1 Business Overview

25.5.2 Product and Service Offerings

25.6 Legrand Holding SA

25.6.1 Business Overview

25.6.2 Product and Service Offerings

25.6.3 Key Financial Summary

25.7 ABB Ltd.

25.7.1 Business Overview

25.7.2 Product and Service Offerings

25.7.3 Key Financial Summary

25.8 Eaton Corporation plc

25.8.1 Business Overview

25.8.2 Product and Service Offerings

25.8.3 Key Financial Summary

25.9 AMETEK Inc.

25.9.1 Business Overview

25.9.2 Product and Service Offerings

25.9.3 Key Financial Summary

25.10 Interplex Holdings Pte. Ltd.

25.10.1 Business Overview

25.10.2 Product and Service Offerings

Chapter 26. Appendix

26.1 Abbreviations

26.2 Sources and References

26.3 Related Reports

List of Tables


TABLE 2 Drivers for The Market: Impact Analysis

TABLE 3 restraints for The Market: Impact Analysis

TABLE 4 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 5 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 6 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 7 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 8 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 9 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 10 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 11 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 12 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 13 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 14 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 15 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 16 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Region, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 17 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Region, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 18 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Region, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 19 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Region, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 20 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Region, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 21 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Region, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 22 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 23 North America Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 24 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 25 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand Usd (2015–2022)

TABLE 26 North America Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand Usd (2023–2026)

TABLE 27 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand Usd (2027–2030)

TABLE 28 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 29 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 30 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 31 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 32 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 33 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 34 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 35 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 36 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 37 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 38 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 39 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 40 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 41 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 42 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 43 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 44 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 45 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 46 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 47 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 48 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 49 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 50 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 51 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 52 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 53 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 54 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 55 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 56 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 57 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 58 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 59 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 60 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 61 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 62 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 63 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 64 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 65 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 66 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 67 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 68 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 69 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 70 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 71 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 72 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 73 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 74 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 75 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 76 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 77 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 78 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 79 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 80 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 81 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 82 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 83 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 84 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 85 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 86 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 87 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 88 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 89 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 90 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 91 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 92 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 93 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 94 U.S. Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 95 U.S. Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 96 U.S. Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 97 U.S. Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 98 U.S. Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 99 U.S. Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 100 U.S. Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 101 U.S. Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 102 U.S. Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 103 U.S. Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 104 U.S. Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 105 U.S. Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 106 CANADA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 107 CANADA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 108 CANADA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 109 CANADA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 110 CANADA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 111 CANADA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 112 Canada Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 113 Canada Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 114 Canada Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 115 canada Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 116 canada Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 117 canada Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 118 GERMANY Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 119 GERMANY Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 120 GERMANY Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 121 GERMANY Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 122 GERMANY Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 123 GERMANY Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 124 Germany Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 125 Germany Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 126 Germany Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 127 Germany Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 128 Germany Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 129 Germany Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 130 FRANCE Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 131 FRANCE Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 132 FRANCE Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 133 FRANCE Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 134 FRANCE Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 135 FRANCE Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 136 France Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 137 France Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 138 France Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 139 France Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 140 France Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 141 France Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 142 U.K. Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 143 U.K. Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 144 U.K. Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 145 U.K. Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 146 U.K. Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 147 U.K. Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 148 U.K. Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 149 U.K. Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 150 U.K. Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 151 U.K. Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 152 U.K. Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 153 U.K. Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 154 SWEDEN Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 155 SWEDEN Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 156 SWEDEN Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 157 SWEDEN Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 158 SWEDEN Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 159 SWEDEN Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 160 SWEDEN Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 161 SWEDEN Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 162 SWEDEN Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 163 SWEDEN Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 164 SWEDEN Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 165 SWEDEN Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 166 NETHERLANDS Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 167 NETHERLANDS Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 168 NETHERLANDS Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 169 NETHERLANDS Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 170 NETHERLANDS Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 171 NETHERLANDS Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 172 NETHERLANDS Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 173 NETHERLANDS Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 174 NETHERLANDS Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 175 NETHERLANDS Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 176 NETHERLANDS Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 177 NETHERLANDS Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 178 CHINA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 179 CHINA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 180 CHINA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 181 CHINA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 182 CHINA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 183 CHINA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 184 CHINA Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 185 CHINA Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 186 CHINA Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 187 CHINA Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 188 CHINA Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 189 CHINA Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 190 JAPAN Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 191 JAPAN Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 192 JAPAN Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 193 JAPAN Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 194 JAPAN Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 195 JAPAN Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 196 JAPAN Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 197 JAPAN Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 198 JAPAN Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 199 JAPAN Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 200 JAPAN Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 201 JAPAN Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 202 SOUTH KOREA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 203 SOUTH KOREA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 204 SOUTH KOREA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 205 SOUTH KOREA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 206 SOUTH KOREA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 207 SOUTH KOREA Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 208 SOUTH KOREA Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 209 SOUTH KOREA Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 210 SOUTH KOREA Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 211 SOUTH KOREA Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 212 SOUTH KOREA Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 213 SOUTH KOREA Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 214 MEXICO Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 215 MEXICO Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 216 MEXICO Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 217 MEXICO Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 218 MEXICO Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 219 MEXICO Automotive Busbar market, BY Power Rating, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 220 MEXICO Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2022)

TABLE 221 MEXICO Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2023–2026)

TABLE 222 MEXICO Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2027–2030)

TABLE 223 MEXICO Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2022)

TABLE 224 MEXICO Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2023–2026)

TABLE 225 MEXICO Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2027–2030)

TABLE 226 List of MArket players and their offerings

TABLE 227 Siemens AG – At a glance

TABLE 228 Siemens AG – Key Financial Summary

TABLE 229 Mersen corporate services sas – At a glance

TABLE 230 Mersen corporate services sas – Key Financial Summary

TABLE 231 Proterial Ltd. – At a glance

TABLE 232 Proterial Ltd. – Key Financial Summary

TABLE 233 TB&C Holding GmbH – At a glance

TABLE 234 Eg electronics ab – At a glance

TABLE 235 Legrand holding sa – At a glance

TABLE 236 Legrand holding sa – Key financial Summary

TABLE 237 ABB LTD. – At a glance

TABLE 238 ABB LTD. – Key financial Summary

TABLE 239 Eaton Corporation plc – AT A GLANCE

TABLE 240 Eaton Corporation plc – Key financial Summary

TABLE 241 AMETEK INC. – At a glance


TABLE 243 interplex holdings pte. ltd. – At a glance

List of Figures

FIG 1 Market Size Breakdown by Segment

FIG 2 RESEARCH methodology

FIG 3 breakdown of primary research, by region

FIG 4 breakdown of primary research, by industry participant

FIG 5 breakdown of primary research, by Designation

FIG 6 breakdown of primary research, by company type

FIG 7 data triangulation approach

FIG 8 Currency Conversion Rates for USD (2022)

FIG 9 Global automotive busbar MARKET SUMMARY

FIG 10 Voice OF INDUSTRY experts/KOLs

FIG 11 global AUTOMOTIVE market, By NUMBER OF Units Produced in millions (2010–2022)

FIG 12 global Stock of BEV Electric Cars in Millions (2010–2021)

FIG 13 GLOBAL Aluminum & Copper Price Index (2010–2022)

FIG 14 Bargaining power of buyers

FIG 15 bargaining power of suppliers

FIG 16 intensity of rivalry

FIG 17 threat of new entrants

FIG 18 Threat of substitutes

FIG 19 Global Automotive Busbar Market SNAPShot

FIG 20 global Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 21 global Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 22 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 23 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 24 worldwide major markets for Automotive Busbars

FIG 25 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Region, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 26 worldwide major markets For Automotive Busbars

FIG 27 global Automotive Busbar market, BY Region, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 28 North AMERICA Automotive Busbar market SNAPSHOT

FIG 29 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 30 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 31 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 32 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 33 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 34 North America Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 35 Europe Automotive Busbar market SNAPSHOT

FIG 36 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 37 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 38 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 39 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 40 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 41 Europe Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 42 APAC Automotive Busbar market SNAPSHOT

FIG 43 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 44 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 45 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 46 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 47 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 48 APAC Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 49 RoW Automotive Busbar market SNAPSHOT

FIG 50 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 51 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY power Rating, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 52 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 53 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Conductor, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 54 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Tons (2015–2030)

FIG 55 RoW Automotive Busbar market, BY Country, Thousand USD (2015–2030)

FIG 56 GLOBAL Automotive Busbar market share of Key players (2022)

FIG 57 Competitive Analysis of Key players

FIG 58 Siemens AG – Revenue split by segment and geography (2022)

FIG 59 mersen corporate services sas – Revenue split by segment and geography (2021)

FIG 60 Proterial Ltd. – Revenue split by segment and geography (2021)

FIG 61 legrand holding sa – Revenue split by Segment (2022)

FIG 62 abb LTD. – Revenue split by segment and geography (2022)

FIG 63 Eaton Corporation plc – Revenue split by segment and GEOGRAPHY (2021)

FIG 64 AMETEK INC. – Revenue split by Segment and Geography (2021)

❖ 免責事項 ❖

★リサーチレポート[ 自動車用バスバーの世界市場:産業分析・成長予測(~2030)(Automotive Busbar Market Size and Share Analysis by Power Rating (Low, High), Conductor (Copper, Aluminum) - Global Industry Revenue Estimation and Demand Forecast to 2030)]についてメールでお問い合わせはこちらでお願いします。
