Stratistics MRC(ストラティスティックスMRC) |
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**Stratistics Market Research Consulting (Stratistics MRC)**は、多業界に関する市場調査とコンサルティングサービスを提供する企業です。同社は、ビジネスモデルの設計や事業成長を支援する調査レポートや出版物を通じて、企業が競争の激しい市場環境で効果的な意思決定を行うことをサポートしています。
Stratistics MRCの主な特徴とサービス内容
Stratistics MRCが選ばれる理由
Stratistics MRCは、企業がグローバル市場で成功を収めるための包括的な調査と洞察を提供する信頼できるパートナーとして評価されています。 Stratistics MRC (Stratistics Market Research Consulting) offers market research and consulting services with in-depth knowledge in various industries. Stratistics MRC’s research based insights, methodologies and expertise are designed to support your vision. Our research reports and publications are routed to help our clients to design their business models and enhance their business growth in the competitive market scenario. We have a strong team with hand-picked consultants including project managers, implementers, industry experts, researchers, research evaluators and analysts with years of experience in delivering the complex projects. Stratistics MRC has a core research team with expertise across the industries to serve our varied customers ranging from technology suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, end-users, consulting companies, investment firms and research institutes. We ensure that our research reports, white papers, policy briefs provide result-oriented findings and recommendations. Our research reports help you to make better decisions in building the organization present in a global scenario. Our consulting services offer you with the highly qualified professional research team to match your research needs. We invest more in building our teams and enhance our client relationships across the geographies where we work. With great quality and perfection, Stratistics Market Research Consulting is a one stop shop for all the market research needs. We offer comprehensive research and analtical reports targeting companies, business segments and countries. Our cutting edge market intelligence empower companies to make smarter strategic decisions for business growth. We stand as one of the leading information service providers that has accumulated a large number of fortune 500 companies. Stratistics MRC’s team consists of industry experts and consultants coming from diverse backgrounds in consulting, financial advisory, government organizations, investment banking, academia and research. We provide a huge collection of unbiased and high quality market studies that provide valuable insights across the industry verticals. [RESEARCH METHODOLOGY]Stratistics MRC at ‘Stratistics’ opt for an extensive research approach which involves data mining, data validation, and data analysis. The various research sources include in-house repository, secondary research, competitor’s sources, social media research, client internal data, and primary research. Stratistics MRC’s team of analysts prefers the most reliable and authenticated data sources in order to perform the comprehensive literature search. With access to most of the authenticated data bases our team highly considers the best mix of information through various sources to obtain extensive and accurate analysis. Each report takes an average time of a month and a team of 4 industry analysts. The time may vary depending on the scope and data availability of the desired market report. The various parameters used in the market assessment are standardized in order to enhance the data accuracy. Data Mining Market trends such as technological advancements, regulatory affairs, market dynamics (Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities and Challenges) are obtained from scientific journals, market related national & international associations and organizations. Data Analysis Product Lifecycle Analysis The data engineering is performed by the core industry experts considering both the Marketing Mix Modeling and the Demand Forecasting. The marketing mix modeling makes use of multiple-regression techniques to predict the optimal mix of marketing variables. Regression factor is based on a number of variables and how they relate to an outcome such as sales or profits. Data Validation Stratistics MRC is in touch with more than 15,000 industry experts with the right mix of consultants, CEO’s, presidents, vice presidents, managers, experts from both supply side and demand side, executives and so on. The data validation involves the primary research from the industry experts belonging to: Leading Companies Apart from the data validation the primary research also helps in performing the fill gap research, i.e. providing solutions for the unmet needs of the research which helps in enhancing the reports quality. [MARKET SIZING AND FORECASTS]Market sizing and forecasting refer to project the estimations of future numbers, characteristics, and trends in a particular target market. It is an integral component of the research and analysis. Stratistics MRC’s quantitative analysis provides clients with key inputs into their business planning initiatives including business case development, custom data analytics, custom market forecasts, custom market segmentation, financial analysis, forecast scenario analysis, market opportunity assessment, market entry strategy, market share analysis, market simulations, production planning, market segment prioritization, production planning, and financial analysis, among other areas. Stratistics MRC provides customized models related to specific needs. We also provide clients with forecasts for the growth of those market segments over a specified time period, together with an analysis of key factors influencing market development and the nature of future market transitions. We perform a standalone market sizing and forecast very cost-effectively using our deep knowledge of reliable secondary data sources, our own extensive database of non-proprietary primary research, sound technical approaches to statistical analysis and modeling. Stratistics MRC utilizes rigorous research methodologies to support the creation of detailed market models, the basis of which is current market sizing in terms of unit shipments, unit sales, active users, installed capacity, attach rates, penetration rates, average selling prices, revenue, and any other metrics relevant to the topic at hand. The firm’s market sizing and forecasting frequently include the presentation of multiple forecast scenarios, including an assessment of the probability and key assumptions for each scenario. |
※H&Iグローバルリサーチ株式会社は調査会社Stratistics MRCの日本での正規代理店です。お問い合わせはH&Iグローバルリサーチまでにお願いします。 |
★Stratistics MRC調査会社(レポート発行会社)に受託調査の見積を依頼する |
◆Stratistics MRC人気レポート◆ |
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◆Stratistics MRC新着レポート◆ |
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◆[Stratistics MRC]レポート一覧へ⇒ |