P&S Intelligence

P&S Intelligence(P&Sインテリジェンス)
  • 主な調査対応産業:医療、製薬、エネルギー、電子、産業装置など多様
  • 主な調査対応地域:グローバル
P&S Intelligenceは、企業が市場の動向を深く理解し、インテリジェントな意思決定を通じて成長を実現するためのサポートを行う市場調査およびコンサルティング会社です。10年以上にわたる経験を活かし、包括的な市場分析とコンサルティングサービスを提供しています。

P&S Intelligenceの主なサービスと特徴

  1. シンジケート調査
    • 費用対効果の高い市場調査手法で、競争環境、製品ポジショニング、市場規模の推定を提供。
    • クライアントのビジネス戦略を支える以下の主要情報を提供:
      • 市場の歴史的および現在の規模の把握
      • 市場の将来の可能性の予測
      • 市場の主要な推進要因とその短期、中期、長期的影響の分析
      • 市場参加者向けの最近のトレンドと機会の特定
      • 競争力を形作る主要要因の理解
      • 主要プレーヤーの製品・サービス内容の把握
  2. カスタマイズ調査
    • クライアントの特定のニーズに応じた調査サービスを提供。
    • 対象市場や業界セグメントの360度のビジネスエコシステムを理解するためのレポートを作成。
    • クライアントのビジネス要件に基づき、調査の実現可能性を確認してインサイトを提供。
  3. コンサルティングサービス
    • 市場評価、事業拡大戦略、投資計画アドバイス、財務ベンチマークなどを含む包括的なコンサルティングサービスを提供。
    • 小規模企業から多国籍企業、政府機関まで幅広い顧客に対応可能。
    • 市場動向を考慮し、クライアントの戦略的な計画を実現するための実行可能な提言を行う。
  4. 市場調査手法
    • 科学的な調査手法を用いて、詳細な市場分析とレポートを提供。
    • クライアントの現在の市場条件や競合他社の成長動向を慎重に検討した上で戦略の実現可能性を評価。

P&S Intelligenceの価値

  • クライアントのニーズに応じたインテリジェントな市場分析を提供し、組織の成長目標を支援。
  • 信頼性の高いインサイトとデータを基に、クライアントが戦略的な意思決定を行うための支援を提供。
  • 若手と業界のベテランが混在するチームにより、企業の現在と未来をサポート。

P&S Intelligenceは、クライアントの成功を目指し、革新的かつ高品質な市場調査とコンサルティングソリューションを提供しています。

P&S Intelligence was born out of the idea of helping businesses achieve breakthroughs through intelligent decision making, underpinned by a thorough understanding of industry dynamics. As a market intelligence and consulting firm with over a decade of unwavering commitment, we strive to provide our clients with first-string market insights to facilitate intelligent decision making.

At P&S Intelligence, we offer a multi-dimensional analytical landscape of diverse markets, through comprehensive reports accompanied with business intelligence consulting services, to help our clients rise up the corporate ladder. Our carefully formulated reports are manifestations of in-depth industry research and analysis, based on scientific methodologies, to lend an all-encompassing market outlook from a vantage point.

P&S Intelligence believes growth is the fundamental objective of any business, which also makes it is imperative for the businesses of today to keep themselves abreast of market developments, if they aspire to stay ahead of the curve. Precisely targeting this business challenge, we help our clients, from different industries across the world, achieve their organizational growth objectives with our astute market intelligence and consulting solutions. At P&S Intelligence, we believe in delivering strategic blueprints of success that help our clients pave their path to success by experiencing market knowledge that inspires strategy.

P&S Intelligence offers best-in-class research and consulting services pertaining to the markets of all geographies. Our experienced team of business analysts and consultants has mastered fundamental and advanced market research in diverse industries.

[Syndicated Research]

Syndicated research is the most cost-effective market research approach, which gives an analytical outlook of the competitive positioning, product positioning, and size estimation of the market at the micro level. P&S Intelligence’s off-the-shelf reports offer key market insights that industry stakeholders require to base their business strategy on. Our syndicated research services empower our clients to meet diverse market objectives, including the following:

– Ascertaining the historical and the present size of the market
– Estimating the future potential of the market through its forecast
– Analyzing the major factors driving the market and their impact in the short, medium, and long terms
– Identifying recent trends and evolving opportunities for the market participants
– Understanding the degree of various forces shaping the market
– Knowing about the major players operating in the market and their product and service offerings
– Gaining knowledge on recent strategic developments by the major players of the market

[Customized Research]

At P&S Intelligence, we also deliver customized research services to address specific needs of our clients. With a vast pool of adroit analysts who are proficient in market research, we take pride in tailoring our research services to meet our clients’ definite requirements and aid their business growth. Our market intelligence solutions are designed to meet one purpose—to deliver quality insights to our clients for their strategic business development. The following points further describe the nature of our customized research services:

– Any additional business requirement that needs to be addressed in our off-the-shelf syndicated research reports is considered on-demand customization.
– Our customized research reports help clients to understand the 360-degree business ecosystem of the target market or industry vertical.
– Our research team conducts a feasibility check on client requirements before designing the deliverables, to ensure it delivers valuable insights that further assist our clients in planning their business strategy.

[Consulting Services]

Businesses, today, need to adapt themselves to the changes that transpire in the market. Staying abreast of the market trends, therefore, becomes imperative for accomplishing business objectives. At P&S Intelligence, we offer consulting services, through in-depth industry knowledge and support services, to help global enterprises turn their business strategies into actions.

– P&S Intelligence’s consulting services include market assessment and feasibility study, business expansion strategy, investment planning advice, financial benchmarking, and other recommendations for your business.
– Our years of expertise in market research allows us to serve the consulting requirements of a wide range of companies, ranging from small, independent firms to multinationals and government agencies/PSUs.
– P&S Intelligence team brims with both dynamic youths and seasoned industry experts, helping us work for the companies of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
– Requirements that fall under consulting bucket are special requests that differ in nature from our off-the-shelf market reports.
– P&S Intelligence research team diligently studies the requirements before designing the scope of requirement to deliver the requested report.
– We thoroughly study the feasibility of the strategic move planned by our clients, after carefully perusing the present market conditions and the growth course adopted by other players in that market.

※H&Iグローバルリサーチ株式会社は調査会社P&S Intelligenceの日本での正規代理店です。お問い合わせはH&Iグローバルリサーチまでにお願いします。
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グローバル市場調査/マーケットリサーチ会社:レポート販売と委託調査サービス提供 www.GlobalResearch.jp