Mordor Intelligence

Mordor Intelligence(モルドールインテリジェンス)
  • 主な調査対応産業:航空、化学、医療、自動車、情報通信、電子、製薬、包装、エネルギー、食品、物流、建設など多様
  • 主な調査対応地域:グローバル
Mordor Intelligenceは、2014年に設立された自己資金型の市場調査会社で、これまでに20業界以上、6,000社以上の企業と協力し、10,000件以上のプロジェクトで正確なデータと実行可能な洞察を提供してきました。同社は、専門的なリサーチチームによる市場追跡を通じて、顧客が競争優位性を得るための高品質な市場情報を提供します。

Mordor Intelligenceの主なサービス内容

  1. シンジケートレポート
    • 市場の魅力、可能性、競争環境に関する包括的な分析を提供。
    • 毎年更新され、最新のトレンドや洞察を網羅。
    • 広範な業界観点を考慮した市場調査を実施。
  2. カスタマイズ型インテリジェンスソリューション
    • 特定のビジネス課題に対応する完全なカスタマイズ調査を提供。
    • 市場参入戦略から技術評価まで、顧客の要件に合わせた柔軟なサービス。
  3. 業界特化型ハブ
    • リアルタイムデータ更新を提供する360°業界カバレッジ。
    • ダッシュボードを活用し、業界に影響を与えるマクロ・ミクロ経済要因を比較可能。
    • 競合より早く戦略的意思決定を行うための全体的な視点を提供。

Mordor Intelligenceが選ばれる理由

  1. 分散型専門知識モデル
    • 100か国以上で業界専門家のネットワークを構築し、最新のデータと洞察を提供。
    • グローバルな価値連鎖全体をカバーする専門家の意見を集約し、波及効果を追跡。
  2. 強固な調査手法
    • 二次調査:信頼できる公開情報源からのデータ収集。
    • 一次調査:業界専門家やステークホルダーからの質的・量的な洞察を収集。
    • データ三角測量:少なくとも3つのソースからデータを検証し、客観的で正確な情報を提供。
    • 社内検証:内部専門家が市場特有のニュアンスを考慮し、深い分析を実施。
  3. レポート形式の多様性
    • PDF、PPT、Excel形式で簡単に評価可能なレポートを提供。

Mordor Intelligenceは、正確で信頼性の高い市場データを基に、企業が戦略的な意思決定を行うためのパートナーとして評価されています。

Mordor Intelligence is a fully revenue-funded organization from founding in 2014. To date, we have Partnered with 6000+ enterprises across 20 industries, to deliver precise data and actionable insights in over 10000 projects. Our domain-specific teams of research experts continuously track markets, enabling our clients gain competitive edge through high-quality market intelligence.

Mordor Intelligence’s syndicated reports provide detailed market coverage and analyst insight into the various markets we continuously track. These reports are formulated with a broader industry audience in mind and provide a snapshot into the attractiveness, potential and competitive landscape of a market. Our syndicated reports are updated every year, making sure that all trends and insights are captured and analyzed in a single report.

Mordor Intelligence offers fully tailored intelligence solutions to meet the unique business requirements of any organization. Our deep industry expertise coupled with cross-functional analyst teams ensures we can support the intelligence requirements of even the most specific of business problems. We provide a host of services from Market Entry to Technology Assessment, all uniquely tailored to the requirements of each

Mordor Intelligence’s individually curated Hubs offer 360° industry coverage with real-time data updates. Each of our selected hubs comes with dashboards that allow clients to compare data points with various macro and microeconomic factors that impact the industry. This panoramic view enables clients to understand the butterfly effects in their industry quicker, helping them make strategic decisions before their competition.

[WHY Mordor Intelligence?]

No individual organization can hire all of the expertise required to study markets across multiple geographies; or do so cost-effectively. Our distributed Expertise Model converts this challenge into an advantage.
Mordor Intelligence relys on our network of experts across the value chains of different markets in different countries to provide us with the right perspective and the latest data and insights so that we can deliver the right solutions to our partners. This network is constantly vetted and growing to ensure we track and identify ripple effects, wherever they may impact the most.
We currently have expert networks accessible in 100+ countries across all industries we study.

Mordor Intelligence’s core competency is in gathering intelligence from the right sources, vetting it and providing insights that aid in strategic decision making. We follow a robust methodology that ensures our clients can rely on our intelligence. Key stages include:

Secondary Research – Gathering data from authoritative published sources that are constantly tracked by our analysts who are dedicated to studying that niche of the market.
Primary Research – Curating qualitative and quantitative insights from experts on the ground.
Through detailed questionnaires and panels, we glean inputs from stakeholders from across the value chain of that industry. A typical expert group consists of manufacturers (or service providers), distributors, industry experts and CXOs of key industry players.
Data Triangulation – Verification of each data and analysis point from at least three sources to ensure a high level of accuracy. Mordor Intelligence understands that even inputs from primary research participants are not immune to subjectivity. All data presented in our reports undergo this strict process to ensure
objective accuracy.
In-House Verification – Throughout the process, Mordor Intelligence’s internal subject matter experts ensure that our analyst perspectives take the nuances of each market into consideration before providing thought-provoking analysis.
Reporting – Presenting our findings through brief and well-articulated reports in various formats – pdf, ppt and excel data files for easy evaluation.

※H&Iグローバルリサーチ株式会社は調査会社Mordor Intelligenceの日本での正規代理店です。お問い合わせはH&Iグローバルリサーチまでにお願いします。
★Mordor Intelligence調査会社(レポート発行会社)に受託調査の見積を依頼する
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