MarketsandMarkets(マーケッツ・アンド・マーケッツ) |
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MarketsandMarketsは過去13年間で10,000社以上の企業にサービスを提供し、1400億ドル以上の収益影響をもたらしました。その結果、単なる市場調査会社から「成長を可能にする企業」へと進化し、社員1500人以上が「成長を与える」文化を共有しています。2023年には、Forbesの調査でアメリカの優れた経営コンサルティング会社の1つとして認定され、独自の知的財産「Knowledge Store」というAI駆動の市場情報プラットフォームで他社との差別化を図っています。 MarketsandMarketsの特徴的なサービス内容と価値提供
認証と信頼性 ISO 27001:2013認証を取得し、情報セキュリティ管理を徹底。顧客情報の機密性、完全性、可用性を守り、高品質で信頼性のあるサービスを提供しています。 MarketsandMarketsが選ばれる理由
これらの活動を通じて、MarketsandMarketsは企業の成長を支えるパートナーとしての役割を果たしています。 MarketsandMarkets was founded in 2009 with a simple, yet powerful, idea – every disruption is inherently the source of game-changing business opportunities. At that time, everybody was talking about disruptive trends such as AI, IoT, 3D printing, nanotech, robotics, etc. but nobody was certain about the business opportunities associated with them. Upon sensing this significant white space, MarketsandMarkets started exploring these emerging and fast-growing opportunities and soon realized that it was part of a much bigger game. We figured out that the B2B economy was just beginning to undergo a dramatic transformation, wherein roughly $25 trillion of new revenue sources would emerge by the end of 2030. So, MarketsandMarkets embarked on a journey to help B2B companies monetize their play in this phenomenon. During the past 13 years, MarketsandMarkets got to work with more than 10,000 companies and created $140+ billion of revenue impact for them. Consequently, we too evolved from being a market research publisher to a growth enabling firm. MarketsandMarkets also moulded our entire corporate culture around “GIVE growth” to promote a growth mindset among our 1500+ people workforce. Earlier this year, we made a formal transformation into one of America’s best management consulting firms as per a survey conducted by Forbes – evidently as the only India origin startup in the list of 200 firms. Even among these 200 peers, we stand apart as a blue-ocean alternative because of our unique intellectual property called Knowledge Store – A primary research driven AI-enabled market intelligence platform meant for growth-minded executives. At MarketsandMarkets we pride ourselves on our clear mission and values which are democratic and transparent. Our leaders are present and accessible, encouraging our employees to think globally, but act locally. MarketsandMarkets also have clear and frequent processes in place to recognise individual and team achievements, allow diversified career paths between roles and regions, integrate diversity and inclusion plus offer internal assignments and flexible working arrangements to improve inclusion, growth and trust. The ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System is a standard accepted internationally for managing risks related to security of information. The ISO certification ensures our customers absolute peace of mind concerning the security of their information. It further strengthens our pledge to protect the information assets of our customers from any threat to their confidentiality, integrity, and availability, and reasserts the quality and dependability of our services and solutions. Expand Your Total Addressable Market (TAM) 10X Create a robust GTM strategy for new markets Gain Market Share in Competitive Intensive Markets Why should you engage with MarketsandMarkets? |
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- 世界の抗菌薬感受性試験市場:製品別(手動、自動)、種類別、用途別、方法別、エンドユーザー別、地域別
- 産業ガスの世界市場予測(~2028):種類別、最終用途別、地域別
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- 世界のポリ乳酸(PLA)市場(~2028年):グレード別(熱成形、押出、射出成形、ブロー成形)、用途別(硬質熱成形)、産業別(包装、消費財、農業、繊維、バイオメディカル)、地域別
- 医療シミュレーションのグローバル市場予測(~2028):シミュレーション(患者-忠実度、外科-腹腔鏡、CVD、整形、脊椎、婦人科、超音波)、トレーニングサービス
- 世界のシンクライアント市場:フォームファクター別(スタンドアロン、モニター付き、モバイル)、用途別、地域別
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- 世界のインダストリー5.0市場(~2029年):技術別(デジタルツイン、製造業AI、産業用センサー、拡張現実&仮想現実、産業用3Dプリント、ロボット)、持続可能性別(廃棄物エネルギー変換、リサイクル、材料)、産業別
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- 自動車用複合材料の世界市場(~2034年):繊維種類別、樹脂種類別、製造プロセス別、用途別、車種別、地域別
◆MarketsandMarkets新着レポート◆ |
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- AIサーバーの世界市場(~2030年):プロセッサタイプ別、機能別、フォームファクタ別、冷却技術別Date : 2024年12月
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