Maia Research

Maia Research(マイア・リサーチ)
  • 主な調査対応産業:自動車、電子、機械・装置、化学・材料、製薬・医療、エネルギー・環境、消費財、建設、農業、サービス、通信・情報技術など多様
  • 主な調査対応地域:グローバル
Maia Researchは、国際的な市場調査およびコンサルティング会社で、クライアントが新たな機会を掴み、効果的な成長戦略を策定・実行し、売上、シェア、利益率を向上させる支援を行っています。

Maia Researchの主な特徴とサービス内容

  1. グローバルな展開と経験
    • 世界150以上の国で消費者と産業を調査し、80の国で詳細な市場分析を実施。
    • 業務は北アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、中東、南アメリカ、アジア太平洋地域に広がる。
  2. 幅広い業界カバレッジ
    • 製薬・医療、消費財、化学・素材、建設、機械、自動車、エレクトロニクス、農業、エネルギー、サービス、インターネット、スマート技術など多岐にわたる業界に対応。
  3. 豊富な調査経験
    • グローバルTop1000企業、新興企業、投資機関への信頼できる戦略管理コンサルティングと市場調査サービスを提供。
    • 幅広い産業データと市場動向を分析し、包括的かつ公正な調査結果を提供。
  4. 価値観
    • プロフェッショナリズム:高い専門性と信頼性を提供し、クライアントの期待を超える成果を目指す。
    • 顧客中心主義:クライアントの課題を深く理解し、ニーズに合ったソリューションを提供。
    • 誠実性:信頼性のある助言と情報保護を徹底。
    • 人材重視:社員、クライアント、パートナーを尊重し、チームとしての成功を重視。

Maia Researchの市場調査プロセス

  1. プロジェクト開始:クライアントの調査目標を明確化。
  2. 二次調査:既存データの確認と業界知識の整理。
  3. 調査設計:データ収集方法や分析手法を選定。
  4. 一次調査:業界関係者とのインタビューやアンケートで直接データを収集。
  5. データ分析:市場パターンやセグメントを統計的手法で解析。
  6. 市場予測:過去のデータや専門家の意見をもとに将来の市場価値を予測。
  7. データ検証:業界専門家がデータを検証し、精度を確保。
  8. 結論と提言:現在の市場状況と将来展望について結論を提示。
  9. レポート作成:調査結果を詳細にまとめた包括的なレポートを作成・公開。
  10. 顧客フィードバックとアフターサポート:顧客からの意見を収集し、サポートを継続提供。

Maia Researchは、プロフェッショナルなサービスと信頼性のある市場分析を通じて、クライアントの成長を支援し、競争力を高めるパートナーとして評価されています。

Maia Research is an international market research and consulting company that strives to help our clients grasp new opportunities, formulate and execute effective development strategies, and further boost their sales, market shares and profit rates.

Sticking to the operation mode of “global integration”, we arrange businesses worldwide, with 50% in North Africa , 30% in Europe, Middle East and Africa, and 20% in South America and the Asia Pacific. So far, we have studied consumers and industries in over 150 countries and have made in-depth markets in 80 countries.

Maia Research regards market surveys as the basis and data as the support, and also integrate them with market trends and research data. Government departments, industrial associations, customers and other strategic cooperative agencies are our important sources of information. We collect, analyze and process data and provide real, innovative and effective solutions to our clients based on their specific situations in order to help them tackle various challenges in the process of development.

After years of development, Maia Research now provides reliable strategic management consulting, market survey and investment and financing services to global Top1000 companies, emerging businesses and investment institutions and tracks and analyzes massive information data of various industries. Therefore, we have rich experience in investigation and research and are able to provide comprehensive, authoritative, fair and objective market information, investigation and study results to our clients. Now, our business scope has stretched globally and has covered multiple sectors including Pharmaceuticals & Medical, FMCG, Chemical & Material, Construction, Machinery & Equipment, Automotive, Electronics, Agriculture, Energy & Environment, Service, Internetwork and Intelligent.

Maia Research understands the collective power of people, and we are proud to say that our most valuable asset is our people.

Maia Research team consists of professionals with expertise, experience and dedication who come from various industry backgrounds, including chemicals, electronics, retail, etc. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to every engagement, allowing us to provide customized services and solutions that meet our clients’ unique needs.

We are passionate about what we do and strive to foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence, where our people can thrive and deliver the best possible outcomes for our clients.

[Our Value] – Professionalism
Maia Research provides our clients with the highest professional standards of information and service, deliver what we promise, and strive to exceed clients’ expectations.

– Client-centric Approach
Maia Research makes sure to prioritize clients’ needs and goals, listen to them actively, understand their unique challenges, tailor solutions that meet their specific requirements, and deliver exceptional results and services.

– Integrity
At Maia, Maia Research attaches great importance to integrity in all that we do. We ensure that our clients receive forthright, objective, and reliable advice, and we take exceptional care with the confidential information that has been entrusted to us.

– People
Maia Research’s commitment to protecting and respecting our employees, clients, partners, and community members is both personal and professional. We believe that the efforts of an individual can be impactful, but it takes a collective team of committed individuals to sustain long-term success.

[Market Research Steps]

1 Project Initiation
The first step is to clearly identify the research request the client wants to address and define the objective and scope of the study.

2 Secondary Research
A thorough review of existing literature and various secondary data sources is conducted to gain insights into the industry and identify gaps in knowledge.

3 Research Design
This stage includes selecting appropriate data collection methods, sampling techniques, and analytical tools.

4 Primary Research
Primary data is collected mainly through interviews. During this process, we design questionnaires and gather information directly from industry participants and stakeholders.

5 Research Analysis
The collected data is analyzed using statistical techniques to identify market patterns, current market scenario, and different segments.

6 Market Forecast
Based on historic market growth trends, combining the current situation and the opinions of industry experts, a proprietary method is used to forecast future market values.

7 Data Validation & Verification
Maia Research industry expert team performs various validation checks of the data with specific research methodology to ensure high accuracy.

8 Drawing Conclusions & Presenting Findings
Based on the analysis of data, conclusions are drawn about the current state of the industry and its future prospects.

9 Report Preparation & Publication
A comprehensive report is prepared that includes all findings and conclusions of the study. After, again, being reviewed by our expert team, the report is published for client consumption.

10 Customer Feedback & After-sale Support
Maia Research encourages our clients to provide feedback. We also provide all-around post-sales support to our clients, which includes free clarification and elucidation of any issues and concerns via emails or voice meetings.

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