LP Information

LP Information(LPI、LPインフォメーション)
  • 主な調査対応産業:化学、材料、産業機械、IT、電子、エネルギー、医療、バイオ技術、サービス、食品、消費財など多様
  • 主な調査対応地域:グローバル、世界主要国
**LP Information (LPI)**は、アメリカ・ロサンゼルスを拠点とする市場調査レポートの出版社で、競争力のある価格で高品質な調査レポートを提供しています。企業の意思決定者が情報に基づいた判断を行い、戦略的な行動を取ることで優れた成果を達成することを支援しています。

LP Informationの主な特徴とサービス内容

  1. グローバルな展開
    • 世界12か所に支社を持ち、化学、製薬、バイオテクノロジー、電子機器、自動車など多岐にわたる業界をカバー。
    • 顧客には大手企業、コンサルタント、大学、図書館、政府機関が含まれる。
  2. データベースと調査手法
    • 業界固有のデータベースを活用して仮説を構築し、専門家との一次調査を通じて精査。
    • ステークホルダーの視点を考慮し、客観的な評価を実施。
  3. 調査プロセス
    • 調査トピックの選定から内容作成、レポートの監査、完成・公開までの手順を経て、1~3か月でレポートを作成。
    • 一次情報(インタビュー、会議など)と二次情報(インターネットデータ、データベースなど)を組み合わせ、質の高いレポートを提供。
  4. クライアントとの協力
    • 調査会社とクライアントがプロジェクトの内容、目標、背景を共有し、相互理解を深めることを重視。
    • コミュニケーションを通じて情報の非対称性を防ぎ、効果的な協力体制を構築。
  5. ターンキーサービス
    • 予期せぬ困難にも対応し、プロジェクト全体を包括的に管理する「ターンキーサービス」を提供。


  • 主に中国市場向けに生成されるレポートの例として、トピック選定、目次作成、内容埋め込み、監査、公開のプロセスが挙げられる。
  • 調査手法にはコストや時間に応じて、データ検索、電話インタビュー、専門家インタビューなどを適用。

LP Informationの価値


LP Information (LPI) is a professional market report publisher based in America, providing high quality market research reports with competitive prices to help decision makers make informed decisions and take strategic actions to achieve excellent outcomes.

LP Information is a leading professional market report publisher based in Los Angeles, United States. We provide high quality market research reports with competitive prices to help decision makers with informed decisions and take strategic actions to achieve excellent outcomes. We have been conducting consulting services and production market research for many years.

LP Information supports various market segment programs and provides trusted technical services to the marketing departments. It carries out accurate market share and forecast analysis services for a range of commercial and government customers globally. These are all vital market research support solutions requiring trust and integrity.

We are a modern company with over 12 branches in the whole world, include the United States, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, France, Japan, China, etc. In this era of information overload, we help our clients filter out the unnecessary and grasp the essence of the market to grow bigger and stronger. Regardless of the world economic situation, we remain our fierce desire to help our clients get the most insightful and actionable knowledge.

LP Information business areas cover many industries, such as Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Electronics, Automotive and Equipment, etc. We aim for the highest standard for our reports with strict quality control which makes us stand top in today’s aggressive global markets. Meticulously researched and regularly updated, our research is used by the major corporations, consultants, universities, libraries and government agencies worldwide.

LP Information’s database and industry-specific repositories are used for defining the hypothesis for the study, which is further fine-tuned through primary research involving industry experts. The success of our approach lies in the fact that we take the viewpoint of all stakeholders into consideration while analyzing an industry, and objectively assess each outlook.

LP Information always insists that we provide clients with information product instead of tangible product. Both research company and clients should be clear of each other’s requirement and expectation. This is not a simple television-buying behavior, but a bilateral cooperation.

LP Information thinks that in a successful research project, both research company and clients should firstly be clear of project content, being responsible for each other. A seasoned project manager should use professional approaches to raise a project proposal. At the same time, clients should also share with project manager his/her project requirement, goal, background and other closed related information. In this way, information asymmetry due to lack of bilateral communication and understanding, will be prevented.

After that, clients can somehow decide whether to cooperate with research company or not, based on communication with project manager, which helps judging the professionalism of project proposal, specialization of research group, project experience and resources for project implementation.

Therefore, LP Information advises that both parties involved should be serious and responsible. So that successful signing up contract will be guaranteed. When formal contract signed up, all operation actions will be seriously performed according to contract terms. However, research projects usually can’t follow up with advanced planning, because of some unexpected difficulties.

LP Information understands deeply the responsibility and risk towards both consulting company and client. This understanding shines. LP Information has paid great effort to carry out responsibility and to reduce risk, which also helps to improve its ability and strength. Turnkey service of research project is thus guaranteed and provided.

The generation of research report is concerned by most clients when purchasing it. Since most of our clients are from China, let’s first introduce the generating process of research report in mainland China, based on our internal understanding of this industry and external peer communication. The great mass of marketing research reports (mostly user report), adopt the following procedure.

First, choose a topic. Secondly, make a skeleton catalogue. Third, fill content. Fourth, audit report. Fifth, finish and publish report. As for report content, there are two main information source, first-hand information and second-hand information. Second-hand information refers to information searched from the Internet or data bought from database(NBS or CUSTOMS). First–hand information refers to information concluded from telephone interview, face-to-face interview, experts interview, meeting or other first-hand material.

With regard to information cost, information searching costs the least, database support the second least, telephone interview the third least. Face-face interview cost higher, in-depth interview much higher, and expert interview the highest. A research may adopt all of these approaches, or just some of them.

In general, a good-quality research report needs 1-3 months to be finished. Time varies according to different data used and different people included. Thus, it’s difficult to define an exact procedure or process of making research report. Both time and cost vary. However, specialization has become a basic industry standard. Professional and dedicated products will be more and more popular.

※H&Iグローバルリサーチ株式会社は調査会社LP Informationの日本での正規代理店です。お問い合わせはH&Iグローバルリサーチまでにお願いします。
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グローバル市場調査/マーケットリサーチ会社:レポート販売と委託調査サービス提供 www.GlobalResearch.jp